Every morning while drinking coffee in the kitchen I watch the birds come to the feeder just outside the window. One day I noticed that when a bird decides to launch toward the feeder from a tree branch, it just jumps off the branch, wings still tucked in. It FALLS headlong into space, embracing gravity for a split second. And then its wings open and it glides to the feeder for breakfast. Me and the birds, one of us taking the ultimate risk, the other sitting comfortably in a warm kitchen day dreaming. So I am taking a lesson from the little birds that fall into the air every time they leave a branch.
At this time in my career I need to jump into the air and find my wings. Making my work visible is the feeder I am heading toward when I blog, send my work to exhibitions, engage in the art community that also supports my thinking and my work. Putting it out there, going for the golden ring on the carousel, listening to the wisdom of many friends and valuing opportunities, make falling from the tree possible. I trust the process, so off I go. Wheeeee!
Moving Lines, o/p (one of a series of paintings that re-imagines the I Ching) |
I totally understand what you are saying - I need to get back out there more! I want to expand my base of artists both locally and internationally. I really like the image of Moving Lines - very nice