"Painting is liquid thinking." James Elkins

"Painting is liquid thinking." James Elkins

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cavorting on the Edge

Rem 1.336

My paintings now are about edges, bumping up against edges, the space between and what it all means.  Edges force us into contemplating change.  Change is a place of tension. The space between here and there opens up and change walks in. I think of the painted marks in my work as characters or declarations in a face to face conversation that encompasses change. For me, making these paintings is a way of 'being with' the other. Structuring the conversation is about my own becoming, making a world to share.


  1. Love the title of today's post and the meaning behind it! Your words spoke to me especially: "the space between and what it all means." Thank you!

  2. Edges in your art and what you say about them - it's evocative. I think about the transition space between one place and another and the tremendous demands created by that tension.

  3. Your energy and words excite me! Strong phrases expressing exciting ideas! Love the visual work.

  4. Ok, liquid thinking? OMG! I love it... What a delicious picture is painted with those two little words... I'm in love... I often discuss my love affair with liquid color, but liquid thinking is just making me giddy! And I love your edges...

  5. Liquid Thinking is a phrase coined by one of my favorite philosophers, James Elkins. He teaches at Chicago Art Institute and I follow him on FB.

    1. While Elkins said "painting is liquid thinking," I'd push it a little further and say painting is thinking in the language of rivers and oceans.

    2. And Heraclitus said "into the same river no man steps twice." or was that Charles Olson? Thanks for pushing the river Laurence.

  6. Thank you for all the kind responses. Painting is the only way I know who I am.
