"Painting is liquid thinking." James Elkins

"Painting is liquid thinking." James Elkins

Monday, March 3, 2014

Always Being

Inspiration for my work comes from the smallest things; a single leaf turning in the wind while all else is still; the edge of a gentle wave pushing a line of foam ashore; the pecking of a bird on the oak outside my window; the first startling green of spring. Everything starts with the mark. It is the falling into Being that gives us back ourselves. The mark on the page, in the sand, a gesture with intent affirms our humanness, says we were here. William Irwin Thompson" book The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light has inspired me through many years. We can not escape falling into being.


  1. Thank you for that imagery. I closed my eyes and could hear every sound and see every image.--Carol Hays

  2. Maggie! I looked at your image before reading what you wrote, and I thought that you had captured a "plant behaving"! I have spent enormous amounts of time on the Georgia coast tracking with my husband. This tracking takes us into the dunes where we look at jumping mice tracks and those of ghost crabs. Some of my favorite patterns in the sand are the ones made by the plants moving in the wind. You have captured that here for me...and more...I see something deep as a part of creation.

  3. Oooh that feels soooo good. Thank you my friend.
